Mineral Bourbon salt candy
With refreshing, succulent lemon extract combined with salt, Salted lemon candy has a characteristic sour, salty and salty flavor. Special, The product also helps support better digestion, Instantly replenish water and mineral salts.
Candy is a snack suitable for people of different ages. Bourbon Candy is a brand that produces confectionery with many new and unique flavors. So, Bourbon product lines are increasingly trusted and chosen by many consumers.
Candy is an excellent combination of 3 sour- salty – sweet inside 1 Candy: fragrant and sour lemon taste ,The slight saltiness of the salt but still a little sweetness from the sugar makes you extremely surprised when you taste it. Special Bourbon Salted Lemon Candy helps freshen your mouth extremely quickly, The effect is extremely suitable after you eat strong smelling foods or for people who regularly smoke. With a sour, salty, sweet, and sour taste, it's extremely easy to eat, Salted lemon candy is suitable for everyone and all ages
Some advantages of Bourbon salted lemon candy:
With ingredients containing many electrolytes that are good for health as well as moderate essential oil content, salted lemon candy has very good effects on health and enhances physical strength very well such as::
- Eliminates phlegm
- Detoxification in blood
- Treat flu
- Treat typhoid
- Be more alert when tired
- Reduce stress