Product Description
Bourbon is the leading confectionery brand in Japan, always at the forefront of food safety issues, Ensure nutrition, Provide the best products to consumers.
Ingredients in the product:
– Flour
– Vegetable oil, Street, whole milk powder, lactose, cocoa mass, dextrin, cocoa butter.
– Powdered milk, fat-free milk, soy flour.
– Yolk, cornstarch, malt extract, cocoa powder, salt, syrup, butter, emulsifier, Spice , sorbitol, color (caramel, carotene), trehalose.
– Fragrant cinnamon rolls, Crispy with a crispy sponge crust mixed with an extremely delicious creamy fresh cream filling.
Cream waffle products have been tested and proven to contain no toxic substances, safe for users' health.
– Bourbon cinnamon rolls filled with chocolate and vanilla are always popular because of their thin, crispy crust, Fragrant and flavorful, bringing enjoyment to you when eating.
– Special, With a sweet chocolate/vanilla cream filling inside, it makes the product more delicious and unique.