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Many studies show that Japan is among the countries with the longest life expectancy in the world. The factors that contribute to longevity are complex, but we all know that a healthy diet can play a fundamental role in helping people live longer.. A new study shows that the dietary guidelines released by the Japanese Government in 2000 – the gyro diet may have played an important role in keeping the Japanese population healthy. People who follow this regimen have a lower risk of death, from any cause, including cardiovascular disease and especially stroke.

In Vietnam, the number of people with cardiovascular disease is 14 million people, and increasingly tend to be younger with the age of disease under 40 year old. The number of people who have had a stroke is 200000 people (year statistics 2013), 50% of them died.

Back to the Japanese diet, “Our findings show that the energy consumption balance, cereals, vegetable, fruit, meat, fish, egg, soy products, dairy products, Confectionery and alcoholic beverages may contribute to longevity by reducing the risk of death, mainly due to cardiovascular diseases, in the Japanese population”, researcher from the National Center for Global Health and Health (NCGHM) in Japan recently published in the British Medical Journal (The BMJ).

Based on five dietary guidelines 2000, The Japanese government has launched Food Spinning – “Spinning Top” (Similar to Vietnam's Nutrition Tower). The gyro diet recommends everyone to eat every day:

  • 5-7 rations of cereal dishes (rice, bread, noodles and pasta và)
  • 5-6 vegetable servings
  • 3-5 servings of fish and meat (including egg and soy dishes)
  • 2 servings of milk or dairy products
  • 2 fruit yield.
Many studies show that Japan is among the countries with the longest life expectancy in the world. The factors that contribute to longevity are complex, but we all know that a healthy diet can play a fundamental role in helping people live longer.. A new study shows that the dietary guidelines released by the Japanese Government in 2000 – the gyro diet may have played an important role in keeping the Japanese population healthy. People who follow this regimen have a lower risk of death, from any cause, including cardiovascular disease and especially stroke. In Vietnam, the number of people with cardiovascular disease is 14 million people, and increasingly tend to be younger with the age of disease under 40 year old. The number of people who have had a stroke is 200000 people (year statistics 2013), 50% of them died. Back to the Japanese diet, “Our findings show that the energy consumption balance, cereals, vegetable, fruit, meat, fish, egg, soy products, dairy products, Confectionery and alcoholic beverages may contribute to longevity by reducing the risk of death, mainly due to cardiovascular diseases, in the Japanese population”, researcher from the National Center for Global Health and Health (NCGHM) in Japan recently published in the British Medical Journal (The BMJ). Based on five dietary guidelines 2000, The Japanese government has launched Food Spinning – “Spinning Top” (Similar to Vietnam's Nutrition Tower). The gyro diet recommends everyone to eat every day:  5-7 rations of cereal dishes (rice, bread, noodles and pasta và)  5-6 vegetable servings  3-5 servings of fish and meat (including egg and soy dishes)  2 servings of milk or dairy products  2 fruit yield. Each serving stated in the gyro diet is quite small, for example one serving of vegetables is about 70 gram. And right at the top of the Spinning Top, You may see advice to drink plenty of water or tea, as well as active physical activity. In the large-scale epidemiological study of NCGHM​, The researchers collected data from the food and lifestyle of 36.624 men and 42.920 women in Japan between the ages of 45 and 75. None of the participants had a history of cancer, đột quỵ, sick heart, or chronic liver disease, and are followed up with health checks at intervals 15 năm. Researchers found that men and women who strictly adhered to Japanese eating guidelines had lower mortality rates 15% in 15 năm. According to the researchers, The protective benefits from the diet mainand yearly ame from a reduction in the risk of cerebrovascular disease (đột quỵ). The study was conducted with a fairly large group nhóm, but it's also important to remember that the researchstrokee Japanese living in Japan, so we cannot assume that such a diet will have the same effect on people in other countries. However we also see that the guidelines for the gypsum diet are generally similar to many diets recommended in Western countries and elsewhere so this model of Spinning top can be quite convenient for you. you in the process of choosing food.
Japan's Food Nutrition Tower

Each serving stated in the gyro diet is quite small, for example one serving of vegetables is about 70 gram. And right at the top of the Spinning Top, You may see advice to drink plenty of water or tea, as well as active physical activity.

In the large-scale epidemiological study of NCGHM​, The researchers collected data from the food and lifestyle of 36.624 men and 42.920 women in Japan between the ages of 45 and 75. None of the participants had a history of cancer, stroke, sick heart, or chronic liver disease, and are followed up with health checks at intervals 15 and yearly . Researchers found that men and women who strictly adhered to Japanese eating guidelines had lower mortality rates 15% in 15 and yearly .

According to the researchers, The protective benefits from the diet mainly came from a reduction in the risk of cerebrovascular disease (stroke). The study was conducted with a fairly large group nhóm, but it's also important to remember that the research subjects are Japanese living in Japan, so we cannot assume that such a diet will have the same effect on people in other countries.

However we also see that the guidelines for the gypsum diet are generally similar to many diets recommended in Western countries and elsewhere so this model of Spinning top can be quite convenient for you. you in the process of choosing food.

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