Ages ago long ago, The Japanese diet is always appreciated in terms of health. Is the diet with fish, Fruits and vegetables and fermented products keep the Japanese healthy and living a long life ?
Benefits of the traditional Japanese diet:
The main products in the traditional Japanese meal are mainly fresh foods with very little sugar or processed foods..
According to a recent study from the British Medical Journal, people who follow a Japanese-like diet – lots of vegetables, reduce animal products, soy sauce, reduce the risk of dying from heart disease or stroke. The Japanese also have the lowest obesity rate and the highest life expectancy in the world.
Okinawa, a southernmost region of Japan, have the number of people living above 100 the oldest age in the world as well as very few people suffering from diseases related to aging (diabetes for example, cancer, arthritis or Alzheimer's). This is explained by the people of this area still maintaining the traditional Japanese diet, low in calories and saturated fat, nutritious, especially a lot of green vegetables. Eating more fruits and vegetables helps them fight hormone-related cancers like breast cancer.

What does a traditional Japanese meal usually have??
In fact, The traditional Japanese diet is similar to the traditional Chinese diet of rice, boiled or steamed vegetables with fish and meat. However, Because Japan is completely isolated from the mainland, people eat more fish than other Asian countries quốc. They also eat a lot of raw fish with sushi and sashimi, along with smoked foods, pickle…
Soybean, Food is often processed into tofu or boiled, is an important element of the Japanese diet, along with many other beans. Nowadays, fermented foods, Sours are widely believed to be beneficial for the human digestive system. Fermented soybean products, made into miso soup or natto is a staple in Japanese meals. Natto is often eaten for breakfast and is effective in reducing irritable bowel syndrome and blocking blood clotting.
The Japanese also eat a lot of vegetables and seaweed – a food that provides many healthy minerals and reduces high blood pressure áp. Fruit is usually eaten for breakfast or dessert, especially fruits like Fuji apple, tangerine and persimmon.
Along with foods, Japanese people consume a lot of green tea and green tea products. Matcha – a finely ground green tea powder, It is highly appreciated for its nutrient composition that helps prevent diseases such as cancer, Heart…

Scientific method of eating:
The Japanese also have a scientific method of eating, good for health. The Japanese have a saying “Hara hachi bu”, means eat until you are full 80%. These are the important eating lessons that children learn at an early age.
The way the Japanese prepare their meals is also a key factor. Instead of putting on a big plate đĩa, They usually eat in small bowls with a variety of foods placed on different plates. Usually, common, normal, they will have 1 Bowl of rice, 1 soup bowl, fish or meat, 2-3 assorted vegetables platter. Animal food is also consumed sparingly and little by little, not too much.